Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jan 24 Ho Chi Minh City

Around 4am this morning we started up the Saigon River from the South China Sea. The Saigon River winds and turns its way to Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon). The captain warned us that the stabilizers would be in and the speed and turning of the ship would cause doors to open and close and a back and forth leaning of the ship as we worked our way the few mile to the center of the city. Only a ship of our size (or smaller) can make this journey. the contrast of the fishermen and the city in the background as we made our way to the port was amazing.
 We docked around 9am and our Journey to the Mekong Delta started.
We took the tour bus to the Mekong Delta, a 1 hour or so drive through rice paddies and motor scooters with as many as 5 people on them, the whole family.

We boarded the boat on the Mekong Delta (that's where the swai fish we eat comes from) and were served fresh coconut juice (milk?, I'm not sure).

Our first stop was the coconut factory where they make coconut candy in various flavors. Chocolate was the only one we understood but it was very good and we bought some for everyone to try. I can't wait.

Our next treat was a ride in a horse drawn wagon. This one was a surprise, the seat was hard, the road was bumpy and the poor horse didn't look up to the task but we all made it.

The locals were trying to share the road with us and it got a little congested, but they love to wave a smile. Most of the women you see are wearing hats and masks and gloves to protect themselves from the sun.

Next stop was a sort of cultural tea house. We were served tea with honey, fruit, some of which I'd never seen, and a few local musicians played and sang for us. There was also a dragon that was performing for the new year. The New Year celebrations just goes on and on. They shops and offices are closed for 6 days to celebrate. The decorations and flowers are incredible everywhere we go. This is where i got one of my best children photos. She was just beautiful and her mother was thrilled that I though so.

Ok, so we're not done yet. Now we have to get on these boats that our tour guide described as roll boats.

He said "you know, roll roll roll your boat". We knew but hoped he was having a language problem. Four people per boat, "don't stand up at once or you'll go swimming with the rocodiles" and the roller (rower) propelled the boat like a gondolier. Of course I shouldn't know that having NEVER been on a gondola. The trip was quite beautiful, through the jungle on the river, passing many empty boats as they return to pick up more tourists.

Back to the big boat back to bus. Next stop was lunch at a beautiful open air restaurant. We had the most beautiful food, delicious too. I'm beginning to think I like Vietnemese food better than Chinese food.
Returned to the ship, we're in this port overnight. We had a barbeque on the deck with a traditional group performing songs and dances of Vietnam. The weather is perfect.

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