Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hanoi in a day

Wake up call at 6am, feels like China. Had breakfast delivered and then we were off for a 3 1/2 hour bus ride to Hanoi. Interesting countryside, like China but different. Lots of rice paddies but many more beautiful vegetable gardens with things like cabbage and other green stuff.
Our guide talked a lot about communist Vietnam and how great it is. The government gives them land and they can grow whatever they want. The Vietnamese flag is red with a yellow star in the center. the points of the star represent the "levels" of people, the worker, farmer, fisherman, intellectual and businessman.
First stop was the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum and surrounding gardens.
Then we had lunch in a traditional Vietnamese restaurant.
There are 88 million people in Vietnam and 37 million motor scooters. We saw them all in Hanoi and they were trying to run over us. We went for a walk through the old quarter of Hanoi and a few of our group weren't sure we'd make it. Crossing the streets was a feat of daring and bravery. the motor scooters were coming from all directions. You've never seen so many.

3 1/2 hour ride back to the ship with a coffee break in the middle. Stopped at a marble carving factory where they also made silk clothing and the most incredible silk needle work pictures. There were a number of women sewing at machines and ironing the clothes they made as well as making the silk things.
Returned to the ship around 8:30, had something to eat and called it a day.

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