Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hong Kong

Remember the challenge was to stay up until bedtime? We didn't even come close.
The airplane for the flight to Hong Kong was changed to a 747 (repositioning I guess) so we were all in business class. That made the flight go really fast. We arrived in Hong Kong and Benny met us at the airport. Ends up there are 14 of us going on the cruise. Checked in to the hotel but our rooms weren't ready so we went for a walk in the neighborhood. We were able to check in at 1:30 and decided to take a nap (bad decision) before dinner. We all slept from 2:30 until 7:00 this morning. Really refreshed though.
After breakfast at the hotel, we went on a tour with Benny that he arranged for us. It has been very cloudy here but this morning was apparently the most beautiful day all month (maybe he says that to all the tourists) and it was very clear with great visibility at the top of Victoria's Peak. That was our first stop, we took the tram up and drove down. Then to a temple near Repulse Bay, a really pretty beach. The temple had the money Buddha (rub him from his head to his pocket, take his money and put it in your pocket and make a wish); the good luck Buddha (rub his belly 3 times clockwise for good luck);

and the baby Buddha (rub the head of the baby boy or the baby girl to determine the sex of your next child (or grandchild)).
After the Temple there was a little shopping and some lunch at the Stanley Market, again on a beautiful beach. We had burgers and fries, the local speciality.
On to Aberdeen for a sampam ride among the local houseboats and fishing boats and yachts. Our sampam driver spoke only a few words of English that he cared to share. "Hey!!" was one. That was to get our attention. Then an explanation of what we were to look at, like, "Houseboat!!" or "Dried fish". This was accompanied by pointing when he had a free hand. Mostly his hands were steering the boat, answering the cell phone and smoking a cigarette. Then a further explanation such as "air conditioner!" or "washing machine!". Apparantly houseboat life in Aberdeen is good.
Near the end of the sampan ride the driver yells...."Hey!! Enjoy?" He then tossed a tip jar into the middle of the boat and slowed to a crawl. It was clear we weren't returning to the dock without leaving tips.
Quick stop at a jewelry store and back to the hotel.
Met for dinner with Jo, Sue and one of the couples from our group, Tony and I forget her name. Great restaurant a few doors from the hotel.
The four of us (Jo, Sue, me and Bob) walked to the waterfront to see the light show at Victoria harbor, Nicer than last time I saw it cause it's a clearer night tonight.
Check out tomorrow morning and transfer to the ship.

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