Friday, February 3, 2012

Feb 3, Taipei, again

Left the hotel this morning at 10:30. Singapore airport is as clean and efficient as the rest of the city. Flight to Taipei left a few minutes late. Arrived Taipei at 6pm. Our flight to LA leaves at 11:45pm. So we have lots of time.
We've had dumplings and fried rice, beer and soda. We paid 14,000 Taiwanese things to upgrade to Business Class for the flight to LA. $500 USD I think. Things in Taipei are a lot less expensive than Singapore.
Beautiful airport here as well, just had an amazing chair massage and now we're waiting for the flight.

Feb 2 new favorite city

This is the most incredible city ever. It's spotlessly clean, littering is punishable by death (okay, that's a slight exageration), gum chewing is against the law, and they fine you for everything (thus it's nickname.."a fine city") from having standing water on your property (no mosquitos) to spitting on the sidewalk. Speed limits are only suggestions but they have the lowest accident rate in Asia. Alchohol is outrageously expensive. We think that how they keep the rowdiness in check. A singapore sling at Raffles is $27 US. Beer is $10 a bottle.
Water everywhere, this is the busiest port in the world. The infrastructure is state of the art and the architecture is the most beautiful I've ever seen. We visited Little India,


where the regular people live, and dry their clothes,

the Merlion (half mermaid, half lion, the symbol of Singapore),

walked over incredible bridges,

 went to the Botanical gardens

and the zoo where we rode a tram at night to see nocturnal animals in their habitat. We saw a bat that was almost a foot long hanging from a tree about 6 inches from our faces, lions, tigers, and yes, bears. Flying squirrels, hippos, rhinos, coyotes, and otters. Not necessarily in that order.
That was all yesterday. Today we walked to the river and took the water bus to the Marina to see the Marina Sands Hotel (three tower buildings with a large surfboard/boat looking structure on top)

and the Art/Science Museum that looks like a lotus flower.

We walked over the helic bridge and rode the Singapore Flyer.

It started to rain so we had lunch at O'Leary's Tavern where the decor is sports and the owner is from Boston. We had burgers and the check was $140.
Break this afternoon and back out tonight.
So tonight we walked from the hotel to Merlion Park, across the river from the Singapore Flyer and the hotel. There was a light show from the hotel that was amazing. Walking along the river on both sides is lined with shops and restaurants, lots of people, feels very safe.

We stopped for pizza and declared the end to an amazing vacation.